Those of us who write, either for a living, like novelists, or for fun, like me, often need a bit of a kick in the behind to get the creative juices flowing. In the writers’ world these gentle nudges are called ‘prompts'. Recently, when I was a bit stuck I found a prompt that read:
You wake up today with the superpower of your choosing.
This is what emerged.
Today I am 77 years and 186 days old. I have just woken up from a restful, deep sleep knowing I am different from the day I was 77 years and 185 days old. I have been granted a super power. I no longer know myself as I was, nor do I know who I am to be. I only know that I can now change the world with this shiny new superpower.
Having the power to change people into kind, compassionate and loving beings is almost more than I can handle, more than any one person can handle. Yet, I know that I can, for the gift of this super power is now mine. I know that this change in human beings is a change in evolution, a change in consciousness. Like mycelium that connects trees, this shift to kindness and compassion will reach everyone through our interconnection.
Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash
Where to begin? Begin with myself. Checking in I notice that with this super power anxiety has fled, fear of ‘the other’ has fled along with any sense of alienation and isolation. I belong. We all belong and I have the power to open this awareness to everyone. I don’t know what to do next…
I seek help. I write to the Dalai Lama. He will surely help me.
I write to all the spiritual teachers I know of. One of them will surely help me.
I write to all the networks of consciousness I know of. Someone there will surely help me.
Will they believe me? How can I prove to these highly evolved people that I now have this super power? Because self-doubt has fled, I know they will. My voice speaks not from madness but from truth they recognise.
The Dalai Lama responds. He has said the his religion is kindness. He knows this unexpected superpower is true. In his wisdom he cautions me to move slowly, with intention and love. He will help me. He will speak to those who can, almost covertly, help to make the change that is needed. I’m not sure what he has in mind. I can only trust, knowing I am not alone.
I sleep again and awaken at 77 years and 187 days knowing the world has changed over night. By simply activating the superpower it has happened. We now live in a world of kindness. We now live in a world of compassion where suffering is relieved. We now live in a world where difference is celebrated. We now live in a world of cooperation and caring. We now live in a world that honours all beings.
I know that I when I surrender this body the work of my super power has been done.
I wish us all the superpower of our choosing. And that we live each day into our elderpower.