From Age-ing to Sage-ing:
Four consecutive Tuesdays in February- 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd
The Program:
Sage-ing is a model for engaging more deliberately, more joyfully and more compassionately as we grow older. Together we will create a warm and safe space to share experiences and thoughts on some of the following topics, based on the ground-breaking book and exercises: From Age-ing to Sage-ing: A Profound New Vision of Growing Older by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi.
Exploring what it means to age
Reframing disempowering beliefs
Creating balance and self-care
Understanding the importance of life review and forgiveness
Harvesting wisdom from life experiences
Facing one’s mortality
Preparing to leave a non-material legacy
Considering the role of elders in service to the family and community
Learning about available resources for continuing the sage-ing journey.
£85 or £100 - payable globally by either major credit card or PayPal, includes all four interactive online workshops and any materials.
To register please contact or follow this link for more info