Deepening the Sage Within
In this two day workshop we introduce perspectives, philosophies and tools by which we recognise our value and experience as elders. We will also examine deepening spiritual practices along with more practical, positive ways to respond to the changes in our lives.
Journaling, deep listening, sharing in pairs or small groups help to facilitate our authentic response to elder hood, to growing deeper as our lives grow longer. This personal, inner work, along with opening to others, helps us to find our voice in the world and to open to the mystery of our wisdom and beauty.
The confidence born from harvesting our life’s experience we step into the world in service each day. With this generosity of spirit we can inspire joy in our relationships and benefit the community and culture we serve.
Prices - single £300; shared £260; non-res £220
Please book via:
or phone Hawkwood directly on telephone: 01453759034
About Hawkwood College
Hawkwood was established as an independent centre for learning in 1948 and today the registered charity offers an extensive array of courses. Both residential and non-residential, ranging from one day to a weekend or week, the leading edge courses offer a unique mix of new, creative and exciting content often not otherwise available.