Based on the work of Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, in his book From Age-ing to Sage-ing, Felice offers two inspiring workshops.



Our culture often presents a view of ageing that marginalises us as we grow older. We might disguise the visible signs of ageing as the years pass. We might use ageist words and move away from the centre of activity and engagement.

This one-day workshop introduces another, refreshing view of ageing by exploring  life review and reframing experiences, forgiveness work, as well as issues surrounding our mortality. We examine our feelings about ageing and the opportunities for spiritual development in our later year, along with creating possibilities for that which ignites our passion. We also create a personalised vision for serving others and leaving a legacy…growing into our place as elders.


In this two day workshop we deepen the inquiry begun in the one-day format. We introduce perspectives, philosophies and tools by which we recognise our value and experience as elders. We will also examine deepening spiritual practices along with more practical, positive ways to respond to the changes in our lives.

In both workshops journaling, deep listening, sharing in pairs or small groups help to facilitate our authentic response to elder hood, to growing deeper as our lives grow longer. This personal, inner work, along with opening to others, helps us to find our voice in the world and to open to the mystery of our wisdom and beauty. 

The confidence born from harvesting our life’s experience we step into the world in service each day. With this generosity of spirit we can inspire joy in our relationships and benefit the community and culture we serve.

“Elders serve as conduits between the divine realm and the mundane world, making the abstract truths of spirituality accessible to the community by embodying them in their everyday behaviour.”
— Zalman Schachter-Shalomi