falling in love with Love

as i walked the labyrinth at summer solstice i was taken to a space rarely experienced. i walk the labyrinth weekly with a group of people committed to this practice.labyrinthas i sat in silence, before beginning, i was breathed into the spacious opening to Love….that inexpressible place of connection, of knowingness, of the peace that passes all understanding.making ready to walk the path of the labyrinth, i drew an inspiration card. need i even mention that i received the card called ‘love’?with this support i began, step by step, to follow the curving, arcing, embracing path of the labyrinth.labyrinth-classic i knew, in all aspects of my being, this Love to be universal, unlimited and just barely contained. it walked me toward the centre of the labyrinth and away again. with each turning Love vibrated through me. yogis call this vibration spanda, the pulsation of consciousness, the sacred tremor of the heart. in this moment i knew Love to be the substrate of the universe which underlies and manifests as all things.vibrationthis connection is available to every one of us. at this time of eldering we have even more opportunities to unite in this way. no matter what form your relationship to the non-material takes, this connection is possible. we need only create the environment and circumstances that bring it to awareness.Solitude_16 finding time for solitude, and reflection becomes possible at the eldering stage of life. whether walking in our enfolding environment or on a labyrinth or preparing and eating a meal, we have the opportunity to connect. because we are now less distracted by external circumstances, we can create the supportive conditions more easily.much like preparing the soil for a garden, walking the labyrinth weekly had prepared me for this experience. the right conditions were in place. the environment was supportive. and the silence was available to hold the spanda, the vibration. then Love arose, unexpected, unbidden and joyously welcomed.labyrinth-green-outdoors