
today is a milestone.a year since i began writing this has been an exciting experience, filled with creative energy i didn’t know i had. it has opened doors that were shut; revealed secrets i didn’t know i held in some part of my being; and brought laughter and tears easily to the of the most exciting bits has been engagement with a reflective writing group. i’ve met with the group for about six months and the piece below is the most recent seems fitting to publish it today.


bridges and shadows

bridge-with-shadowsin the mist of the shadow lives the unkown. a bridge spans the space between the known, that which is illuminated, and that which lies in the mystery. to know the unknowable, to speak that which cannot be spoken, to love that which is elusive is the work of shadows.behind that veil of darkness lies the light of the heart. without it, that which is bright and in the open cannot be known. the shadows hold the key. they reveal, illuminate, enlighten.what shape the shadows? are they simply the outline of the light? or do they hold the secrets of the spark of life? what can be known of the shadows in the soul? do the shadows provide the fuel, the divine pressure, to know the light?shadowsto know the balance of the dim and the lucid, is the work of life, especially the work of the elder. the opportunity to know truth, both the light and the shadow, is now.for, if not taken now, a holy moment before death will have been missed.inside there is an enormous well of power, of energy, to know both, the bright and the dark, the shaded and the illuminated, in truly experience, and to know in the depths, the mystery.yin-yang-mysterythe spanning bridge might be misty and opaque, or crystalline and vivid in its presence. regardless of its appearance, it is the path in that opens in both directions, from the shadows to the light, from the dark to the bright, and back again in the ever-pounding pulse of life and death.