today is an ordinary day. actually, i was stuck at home waiting for a delivery. i looked forward to this day as a time i could catch up on all the life admin tasks i had placed on a now dusty ‘to do’ list.i actually accomplished most of those tasks.and then i asked myself, “what can i do today, in the present, that my future self would thank me for?” wow, what would that be?yoga practice?a walk in the sunshine?contacting the funeral director i had chosen?a phone call, not an email, to a friend?
what would my future self, the one that is born in the next present moment, thank me for?a cup of tean and a quiet sitting on the sofa, looking out the window at the sky on this winter day.
the tea is important to my future self because of the moment-to-moment experience of heat, liquid, spicy flavour…the enjoyment of the senses. and the looking is important to my future self for no particular reason at all! its importance lies in the space i create inside, in silence, is a reflection of, and reflected by, the is the space of potential for my future self to fill or not, as she sees fit. only the potential is important. the filling, or not, may, or may not, be important to her. in this moment, only the potential, along with the tea, are vital to my future self.