doing? being?

conscious ageing has many proponents. one of the most active in the US is ron pevny, of the center for conscious eldering.ron-pevnyin a recent newsletter his lead article contained the following…

In an interview I did with the late Bob Atchley, that wise elder and pioneering voice for conscious aging, who wrote the inspiring book Spirituality and Aging, Bob said: “You hear a lot of people saying, ‘What I want to do is cut back on the doing so I can really enjoy the being.’  And I think that doesn’t sit too well with my experience.  My experience is that I have had to learn how to be-while-doing.  That means to have one foot in the part of me that is connected to my deepest spirituality and one foot in the practicalities of whatever it is that I’m engaged in at that moment in the world…. As you move in the direction of connecting up with the witness consciousness, with real presence, which is the essence of true spirituality, you’re moving in the direction of being while you’re in the act of doing things.  And to the extent that you’re doing that, you’re growing into the role of the true Elder, the Wisdom Keeper so needed in today’s world.”

being-doingbeing-while-doing has become my new mantra! it isn’t an either/or situation. rather it is the consciousness of both/and. bob atchley was truly a pioneer, much honoured in the movement toward eldering. he was a gerontologist and sociologist who died in november, 2018. his view of ageing opened many doors.atchley recognised the deep connection between spirituality and eldering. in his view, that connection didn’t break when he was involved in the world. his was not the spirituality of the nun or monk. rather it was a fully engaged, active spiritual practice of living in each there is no separation in the world of the elder between her actions and her connection to her spirituality. they are one and the same. they spring from the same heartmind. they grow together in harmony, integrated.let us all be inspired by bob’s insights, and the example of his life, to grow into our elderhood with a spirituality that shines through all of our activities.