to be human

to begin again, as we start the new year, might inspire us to look at what it means to be human…what it means to be a human elder, ageing with awareness, purpose and curiosity.

matthew fox, is a spiritual theologian, an Episcopal priest and an activist for gender justice and eco-justice, has asked the question about the meaning of being human for decades. in the next 10 blog posts we will take a journey through what he calls “the 10 Cs”.

  1. critical thinking/consciousness

  1. cosmology/ecology
  2. courage
  3. chaos
  4. character/moral development
  5. contemplation

  1. creativity
  2. compassion/justice
  3. community
  4. ceremony/ritual

simply reading this list can be daunting. there is no doubt that, we, as elders, can certainly rise to the challenge. these topics call us to go deep within and to examine our own humanity. at a time when greed, fear, misinformation and even despair might overwhelm us, taking a deep breath together, to dive down into our sacred self can be a welcome relief.

we might need relief from the 24/7 newsfeed, the continual threat to truth, the depletion of the planet and the depletion of our inner resources that the COVID-19 pandemic is making.

we might need a time to drink deep from the well of our connection to that which is boundless in order to replenish. we might need a time of inspiration and profound contemplation to balance the onslaught of this surreal time.

and we might need to remind ourselves of our innate humanity and what that means in the time of elderhood.