letting go/filling up

letting go is not often an easy task. as our lives lengthen into elderhood more clutter accumulates. this clutter may be material, mental or emotional. it is clutter nonetheless.there are times when we need to be ruthless in clearing out the attic or the cupboards.closet-clutteredin fact, a whole industry has been created around de-cluttering. you can hire an expert to guide you in the process or books to chart your progress.closet-neatafter the clutter has been dealt with we have created the opportunity to fill up again, to choose things more wisely. there is space.what of the mental and emotional clutter? there are certainly highly qualified psychotherapists and counsellors to assist us in letting go on these levels. much work, often painful work, can be done to relieve the burdens we may have carried, like an overstuffed rucksack, for decades.rucksacknow we have created the opportunity to be more present to ourselves and those around us, to fill up with authentic relationship. there is space.this process of letting go allows us to die spiritually in the smallest ways while we are alive. as we let go and surrender there is space for more generosity, greater kindness, more breath, more openness to come into the act, and art, of living each moment. as our elderhood unfolds and we allow ourselves to live into our dying, we can embrace our true nature, our spiritual selves, ever more fully. we can receive the treasures of equanimity, presence, serenity, freedom and connection. these qualities may have lived quietly within for decades. with the letting go they can come forward.peace-of-mind-tranquilitythere is space.